How to apply for a grant
The Community Foundation represents the REALTOR® and Affiliate members who raise funds to give back to our community on their behalf, making a difference in the lives of many others in our community. The Board of Directors reviews all applications submitted for grants quarterly in March, June, September, and December of each year. (Applications must be submitted by the first of the given month for review).
The Grant Guidelines and Application may be found here.
Grant application - past recipients
- Mid Valley Habitat for Humanity
- North Willamette Valley Habitat for Humanity
- DevNW
- Liberty House
- Camp to Belong
- Salem Area Habitat for Humanity
- Home Youth and Resource Center
- Salem-Keizer Community Development Corporation
- Family Building Blocks
- Campfire USA
- Adaptive Riding Institute
- Royal Family Kids' Camps
- Striking Out Meth in Marion County
- Kindness Closet of Salem
- Connection 365
- Oregon Coast Youth Symphony Festival
- Center for Hope & Safety
- Salem Free Clinics
- Santiam Teen Center